Thursday, July 26, 2007

WMD Blast Test

TIB Network News:

BLOGS: I'm restarting my experiment in local blogging... Greater Dayton and Miami Valley stuff will now be featured at Gem City Journal and Hamilton/Fairfield/West Chester stuff will be found at Butler County Bugle. Don't worry, the important national and state stuff will still be found right here at WMD. If you are interested in participating in either of these experiments, please let me know...the more the merrier.

RADIO: The TIB Radio All-Stars Show will air its second live episode on Saturday night starting at 7PM Eastern. Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog is back on TIB Radio for a second week in a row!

AP News Alerts:

9:00 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) The Commerce Department reports that orders for big-ticket manufactured goods rose 1.4 percent in June, the best showing in three months.
I blame Bush.

10:53 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) The government reports that sales of new homes fell by 6.6 percent in June, the biggest decline in five months.
I blame Pelosi.

12:10 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) Senate Democrats call for a special counsel to investigate whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales perjured himself regarding dissent over President Bush's domestic surveillance program.
A new day, yet another call for an investigation from the Democrats. Is this Congress ever going to get around to doing something?

1:50 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy says he will subpoena White House political adviser Karl Rove to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors.
Good thing that the important things have been handled... This will go nowhere... Aren't there some judges that need to be confirmed???

2:50 PM
NEW YORK (AP) The Dow Jones industrial average has fallen 400 points.
I blame Reid.

4:05 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) The FBI director has told Congress the Bush administration's terrorist surveillance program was the topic of a 2004 hospital room dispute, contradicting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Better get Patrick Fitzgerald on the case immediately...somebody has a faulty memory in DeeCee...the Democrats have a lawyer for that.


  • Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- has an op-ed in The Hill today. Get the link from the Butler County Bugle...

  • The Dayton Daily News reports on the lastest finding that shows Montgomery County in third place for national job decline. Get the link and my commentary over at Gem City Journal.

  • BizzyBlog reports that tech unemployment rate is actually lower than previously reported. As usual, I blame Bush...
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