Thursday, July 26, 2007

Test Two

I noted this Canton Repository piece yesterday's WMD Blast, but our friends at the Ohio GOP noticed something that I missed:
The party chairman said Brunner wanted county Democratic parties to select attorneys to fill spots on county boards of elections — to help counter purported legal maneuvers by Republican board members to suppress the Democratic vote. The board always has two Democrats and two Republicans.
To which Deputy Chairman Kevin DeWine replied:
“Jennifer Brunner should apologize to these honest, law-abiding public officials who took an oath to uphold the integrity of Ohio’s election system,” said DeWine. “Her actions do nothing to build confidence in what has historically been a very fair and bipartisan process. If she has knowledge of illegal election activity, she should report it immediately to the authorities. Unfortunately, this is nothing but a cover for an attempt by Democrats to litigate elections.”
Brunner continues to prove herself to be the most partisan Secretary of State in the history of the great state of Ohio. And once again, we see another Democrat who campaigned on one thing and has delivered the exact opposite. What a disgrace...

UPDATE: No, I didn't get the press release from the Ohio GOP that got, why do you ask???

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